Covid Info

A root canal saves a tooth that has become infected. Modern root canals are not painful or frightening. In fact, when performed by the right dentist that understands the complexities of root canal therapy, treatment is gentle and relatively comfortable. The team at Kris Hamamoto D.D.S & Associates offers root canals in Palo Alto and the surrounding Bay Area neighborhoods. Our goal is to restore optimal oral health and wellness to every restorative dentistry patient.

Do You Need a Root Canal?

To understand root canal therapy, it’s important to have a basic grasp of the anatomy of a tooth. A tooth has three layers: the hard outer layer of enamel, a soft middle layer called dentin and a softer, sensitive inner layer called pulp. Dental pulp contains nerve tissue, lymph tissue and blood vessels, and is integral to the development of a tooth.

If a tooth suffers a traumatic injury or develops a serious cavity, the dental pulp can become infected with bacteria. Once the pulp becomes infected, it starts to die. This triggers the body’s inflammatory response system, and the combination of infection and inflammation usually causes pain and discomfort (which some people may silently suffer through). However, without treatment, the infection can advance and the tooth may eventually need to be removed, leaving an unattractive gap in the mouth.

If you experience any of the following symptoms, you may have an infected tooth and require root canal therapy to preserve the tooth:

  • Pain and discomfort (may range from mild to severe)
  • Tooth discoloration
  • Swollen or irritated gum tissue

It is crucial that you have your mouth examined by a dentist as soon as possible to determine the problem and start treatment intervention.

Root Canal Therapy, Step-by-Step

A root canal involves removing the infected pulp, cleaning out the tooth’s inner chambers or “roots” and then sealing off the tooth to prevent additional bacteria from entering. Root canal procedures are performed in our office. Your tooth will be completely numbed to prevent you from feeling any pain.

First, our Palo Alto root canal dentist will drill a small gap into the affected tooth’s crown and pulp chamber using a rotary file. Next, the dentist will remove the diseased, dying or dead pulp and other debris from the inside of your tooth. The inside of the root will be shaped.

Then, the canal will be filled with gutta-percha, a rubbery substance. Here at our office, we use the System B and the Obtura to soften the gutta-percha, ensuring the material will fit the shape of the canal. The Obtura system rapidly and painlessly fills root canals and provides a complete seal, dramatically reducing the chances of infection.

Finally, our dentist will seal off the tooth with a dental crown, which provides stability and support to the healing tooth. The crown will be color-matched to your surrounding teeth for a seamless finish.

Root Canal Therapy Palo Alto

If you have developed a persistent toothache, it’s best to have your mouth examined by Dr. Kris Hamamoto or one of her fellow dentists. If the problem is an infection, our team may recommend root canal therapy to save your tooth. Call or email our office today to book an appointment with our team.

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